It is Elizabeth’s England and the saga of Jamey, fourteen years old, returning home to find his whole family murdered. Vowing revenge, he begins his quest with his only clue, a ring left by the killers. His adventures take him to sea and the Spanish Main as a privateer earning the title “El Raptor”. Sailing to Jamaica to find the killer, he finds his true love but is captured and turned over to the inquisition. Love/hate; betrayal/triumph; battles/intrigue. Mystery and romance, revenge and adventure on land and sea await readers following Jamey’s quest in this historical fiction saga.





When Misty rammed the ice pick in his head, she felt alive, free, and wonderful. And the best part was she had six more to do. With a sigh, her mind went to an earlier time as she squatted in the corner and sucked her thumb. Childlike tears rolled down her cheeks as she hugged her Raggedy Ann doll and recited a Mother Goose nursery rhyme.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary.
How. . . . . .

Police Sergeant Jack Delaney and the Doom squad were stumped. The murders had no common link. He knew if they could find the motive, they would solve the case. The problem was, the motive was created 50 years ago.





Dead women were popping up all over in a very strange way. They were left posed on their side, fully clothed, hands clasped in prayer, and legs bent as if kneeling. The weird part though, was their head was twisted clear around so they appeared to be looking backwards, which was impossible because their eyeballs were plucked out and stuffed in their mouths.

At the same time, a stiff was found hanging in the park. A ritual sacrifice complete with incense, a dead dog, and weird cult scratchings in the ground.

The special detective unit, dubbed the “Doom” squad, was stumped. The killer, described as a giant, a Goliath, should stick out like a sore thumb. And what the hell did three witches have to do with anything not counting a weird root called the “Mandrake”?

And how the hell did the bible legend of David slaying Goliath fit?

Their leader, Sgt. Jack Delaney, “Micky” for short, was ticked off over the whole mess and wanted answers.




With his brother dead, it was his responsibility as head of the family to set things right. Gabriel, nicknamed the Ghost, was pure Cajun protecting his younger brother and sister since age eleven in the swamps of the bayou. Taught to survive by an old Choctaw Indian, he seeks justice for his brother with his bow and arrow. Police Sergeant Jack Delaney, head of the Doom squad, is stumped. This was a first. Why were all these males, seemingly unrelated, showing up with arrows stuck in their heads. Why is the CIA and FBI so interested and why should he be afraid. The hunter is hunted.





Revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord. Marvin thought that was bullshit. Marvin was intelligent, quick-minded, courteous, considerate, and a smart dresser. The young lady he showed an interest in said, “Get away from me you ugly twerp.” It really pissed Marvin off. Sergeant Jack Delaney, a cop for sixteen years, headed a special task force tagged the “Doom” squad. Except for his cop ability, his life was typical. All screwed up and Marvin really pissed him off. Sgt. Delaney, nicknamed Micky, and his team are assigned an unusual murder series committed by a wimp named Marvin. Marvin, scorned, thinks all women are suckers because they fall for the jocks, guys that don’t appreciate them. He decides that since women are suckers, he would make them all Lollipops, every flavor.





In 1966, the Hells Angels, led by Cutter, controlled all the movement of marijuana and meth through the Apache reservation at the Arizona border. El Serpiente was one mean-ass Mexican connected to the cartel that declared war on the Angels for control of the drug routes. Father Mike, a priest at the Apache mission, confronted the drug dealers and was jumped by six of Snake’s bad guys and ended up in the hospital. Retired Sergeant Jack Delaney, nicknamed Micky, was merely visiting his brother to see how he was doing. After seeing his brother in the hospital and hearing the details from the Apache Chief. it really pissed him off. Micky sends for the Doom Squad and declares war on Snake and Cutter. Small problem, 1966 in Arizona territory on the Apache reservation was still the Wild West, no law and no rules. Micky thought that was just fine. Join Micky, the Doom Squad, and the Apache nation as they battle Snake, the meanest hombre west of the Rio Grande.